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How to Deal when Market is too volatile.

There was a sudden rise in Sensex and now Major fall. However as declared , on Tuesday i.e. 23-May market will see some green movement and it was there , but still it is expected that major fall has yet to come . Only after that fall market will become stable.


Everyone say's that this is the worst time for investment but we say that this is the best time for booking maximum profit. Just trust our work and be with us.


To be on safer side follow following steps: -


1. Say No to "PANIC ". Don't take wrong decision in Anger , Frustration or Tension

2. Avoid Overtrading.

3. If you are new trader simply avoid intraday trading .Let market get settle first then try it.

4. Before trading think and keep your eyes open, don't blame your luck for looses.

5. Buy only Fundamentally strong shares right now at low price and keep them as your Long term investment.

6. Avoid selling your shares when market is Low.

7. Don't simply invest by reading and watching stats. Let professionals help you out.

8. Don't follow any trend blindly. Think and invest it's your money use it wisely.


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