Treatment & Home Remedies

SHARETIPSINFO >>Research Reports >>Swine Flu or H1N1 Treatment and Home Remedies for swine flu


Do we have to introduce you with the term H1N1? You all know that it represents pandemic Swine Flu. It’s something a type of plague that we should be aware of it and most important we should keep in minds its treatment methods and medicines.

Swine Flu is increasingly spreading around in India, and more cases are being admitted to hospitals in all parts of the country. And the hospitals for swine flu treatment are trying the best to provide the treatment to every affected case.

In an attempt to slow the spread of the illness, a number of countries, especially in Asia, have quarantined airline passengers with flu symptoms, while some are also pre-screening passengers. WHO does not expect to have a full vaccine before the end of 2009, and vaccines available sooner may be limited and given first to healthcare workers, pregnant women, and other higher risk groups. Two or three injections will be required for maximum immunity from both the swine flu and seasonal flu. There is also concern if the new virus mutates further, it could become more virulent and less susceptible to any new vaccine.

Pre-screening advisories by some governments

Some governments have also suggested pre-screening "outbound" passengers from countries that are thought to have a high rate of infection. India's Minister of State for Health, for example, said on June 16, that there should be "some kind of screening" for outbound travelers in the U.S., claiming that most people coming from that country have been tested positive for influenza A (H1N1) virus. As of July 2009, 509 people have tested positive for swine flu in India. Of them, most had come from the U.S. "The U.S. is the main source (of swine flu) as far as India is concerned," the health minister stated, adding that "the government is ready to handle the situation and there is no need to panic."

  • Here is the treatment for Swine Flu and instructions for people unaware about it –


Symptomatic treatment
This treatment is to reduce the symptoms like high temperature, body pains etc. by the use of Paracetamol. This you can’t take in excess. As Paracetamol is a multi-acting drug and can produce side-effects. And its usage in kids has to be strictly done under physician’s instructions.

Antiviral –
This is the group of drugs that can help in reducing the symptoms of swine flu, and to relieve the patient, but the virus is not fully killed with these drugs.

Oseltamavir (Tamiflu)
Zanamivir (Relenza)

These drugs reduce the time of your staying ill, reduce all the symptoms, and moreover they reduce the high-risk complications like pneumonia etc.

The Relenza drug comes in form of Inhaler which is similar to the inhalers that asthmatic patients use. The usage of these both drugs directly is not advised and your need to first get tested for Swine Flu. If you are found infected, the dosage is advised by the doctor depending on the severity.
Using these drugs without any medical supervision is very risky.

Antimicrobial drugs
Usually when there is a viral attack in the body, the immunity in body gets reduced and this is the time when you can be more prone to other diseases. One of the most common diseases is Pneumonia caused by strep Pneumonia.
These are given to patients who are severely ill due to Swine Flu, as the extra-flu complications are expected to have occurred in them.

Other tips:
Many people unknowingly give aspirin tablets to their children with fever. Aspirin is a strong drug and can cause vomiting. Don’t take self decisions. Seek advice and medication from any health practitioner. Only they know what dosage, and which drugs are to be given, depending on the severity of the disease.
While being treated, stay away from other for at least a couple days after the symptoms are reduced, and those who are still safe and should wear face masks

Home remedies to avoid Swine Flu
In this section you are being provided with some home remedies you can undertake so as to avoid Swine Flu. Basically it is recommended that there is no need to get afraid of Swine Flu. Just take following points into consideration.

  • You are suggested to wash your hands frequently with soap or antiseptic solution, especially before meals or if you have returned from a public place then too you should properly wash your hands.
  • You should include Vitamin C more in your diet menu i.e. citrus food is quite essential. For example you can have lemon water, amla known as gooseberry too.
  • You can take leaves of Basil i.e. Tulsi everyday in the morning. It helps to clear your throat and lungs.
  • If you are in a heavy crowded place it is recommended to cover your nose and mouth.
  • Chew fresh garlic cloves as garlic is considered to be an effective antiviral.
  • Only eat home cooked food.
  • Avoid going to crowdy areas like shopping complexes, markets etc.
  • Try to avoid handshaking with the persons who are suffering from fever, cold or cough.


Detect swine flu / Swine flu threats / Symptoms & Prevention / Treatment & Home remedies for swine flu

 Note-Please note this article is just for reference. You are advise to contact your doctor for details.

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